Linggo, Abril 29, 2012


Welcome to nursing:

    This time of the year there will quite be a large number of people about to embark on their chosen profession of becoming a nurse.
For those of you about to join us,  we will first offer a little of my own personal experience in an attempt to get your juices flowing, and then we will  hand you over to those experienced nurses who have already walked the path, and  who might offer their own comments on what it takes to exceed in this very special vocation.

Beginners Mind:

    Do not be in too great a hurry to become a nurse manager, or a nurse practitioner or a professor of applied nursing informatics.
In my opinion, nursing is a unique profession in that some of the most important work you will do and some of the most powerful experiences you will encounter, will happen whilst you are working with the bedside intimacy of your first clinical years.
And here is the rub; you probably wont truly understand the importance of this until you have traveled long and deep into the tangled beauty of nursing.